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A member registered Jul 19, 2021

Recent community posts

Um how do u not wake vi?

Stupid question but noriea sorry for mispell but can have in story somehow she just great character


im sorry if came out as insensitive it just I been burned by couple of games that kinda mislead me 

So it 20 just for this update or for the entire game jw

thx got it figured out :)

So I got key link but nothing happens when click on it help

Great work but I gots a couple questions 

1st it option to talk it out Ollie still going to part of game eventually or it a part of a paid version of so that cool I want to know so that I see what option does two is that hasn'tuch more about how messlisa died ie how murder looked like MC and first then changed into a girl so wondering if more what actual happened 

awesome finally a game with my fav princess Daisy 

So no English?


No more android?

So did give up in that island game? Jw 

So not to be that guy but chubby blonde got cut :(

I disagree showing support for great work is worth it even if may not have benefit for doing so 

I mostly play on phone or console switch and PS5 is there a way forw wishlist it?

k thx 

So need to get a computer?

so need to support on Patreon for full version? Jw because game so awesome don't miss anything 

I will

Glad to hear your doing better take care yourself

So um is paid content for part 2

Get well soon friend

okay thanks 

Smh thanks for the update but u still post updates here when u drop new content on Patreon tho right? If not that cool i get it 

I was just wondering bc I at time time don't have a computer thanks for the reply :) 

So no more Android?

I loved the game have thoughts on another story for new one jw

okay sorry bug you I was curious 

So I am american so I don't havr euros?

I am curious aren planning still releasing android bc I noticed icon isn't with game anymore

No apology needed sorry hear abt ur torubles wish you nothing but best take care friend

I clicked on rar file then asked my for a password 

weird it ask me for each time I try to open it 

Also on a diff note it's not allow extract the file asking a password 

Need help can't find Delilah I done clues and stuff

Need help